- Engemann, Marie. 2023. Paradigm uniformity effects in inflectional stems: Durational differences in production and perception. düsseldorf university press.
- Engemann, Marie. 2023. In Australia, can anyone be your “mate”? - Gender restrictions of the address term “mate” in Australian English. In Jasmin Pfeifer, Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Heidrun Dorgeloh, Gero Kunter & Christian Uffmann (eds.), I N G O 6.0. The Proceedings. - New empirical Insights about laNguage, presented on a Great day Out in September. Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Engemann, Marie & Ingo Plag. 2021. Paradigm uniformity effects in spontaneous speech. The Mental Lexicon 16(1). 165–199.
I have published my research as journal articles, have given presentations and presented posters at a number of different international conferences as listed below.
3 Articles / Monographs
7 Conference Presentations
- Engemann, Marie, Dominic Schmitz, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2022. Morpho-phonetic detail can be perceived: Evidence from stems and suffixes. Morphology in Production and Perception: Phonetics, Phonology and Spelling of Complex Words (MPP 2022). Düsseldorf, Germany. 7-9 February.
- Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2022. Subphonemic detail affects morphological processing. Morphology in Production and Perception: Phonetics, Phonology and Spelling of Complex Words (MPP 2022). Düsseldorf, Germany. 7-9 February.
- Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann, Ingo Plag, & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2021. Subtle morpho-phonetic differences in English stems and word-final /s/ influence listeners’ comprehension. Words in the World International Conference 2021. 26-27 November.
- Engemann, Marie, Ingo Plag & Julia Zimmermann. 2019. Paradigmatic effects in speech production: Do bare stems influence the pronunciation of suffixed forms? MoProc 2019 - International Morphological Processing Conference. Tübingen, Germany. 4-6 November 2019.
- Engemann, Marie, Ingo Plag & Julia Zimmermann. 2019a. Morphological boundaries and stem duration in English: Paradigm uniformity effects in conversational speech. 15. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung. Düsseldorf, Germany. 26-27 September 2019.
- Plag, Ingo, Marie Engemann & Gero Kunter. 2018. The effect of morphological boundaries on stem vowel duration in English. 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. Stuttgart, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. 7.-9. March 2018.
- Engemann, Marie. 2016. Exploring the Boundaries of the Address Term Mate in Australian English. Breaking Boundaries: Culture. Concepts. Constructions. (Student’s Conference Master of Arts in Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture). Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany. 1.-2. February 2016.
3 Conference Posters
- Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney 2021. Are listeners sensitive to morpho-phonetic differences in English stems and word-final /s/? Poster presented at 17. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany. 29-30 September 2021.
- Plag, Ingo, Marie Engemann & Julia Zimmermann. 2019. Morphological boundaries and stem duration in English: Replicating experimental results with corpus data. Poster presented at 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 27-30. June 2019.
- Plag, Ingo, Marie Engemann & Gero Kunter. 2018. The effect of morphological boundaries on stem vowel duration in English. Poster presented at LabPhon 16 - Variation, development and impairment: Between phonetics and phonology. Lisbon, Portugal. Association for Laboratory Phonology. 20.-22. June 2018.
During my time at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, I taught 11 classes:
Semester | Course | Type |
Summer 2022, Winter 2016/17, Summer 2016 & Winter 2015/16 | Academic Writing & Research | Tutorial |
Winter 2019/20 | Word-Formation in English | Intermediate |
Summer 2018 | Methods in Phonetics | Intermediate |
Summer 2018 & Winter 2017/18 | Introduction to English Language and Linguistics Part I (Winter) / II (Summer) | Introductory |
Winter 2016/17, Summer 2016 & Winter 2015/16 | Tutorial for Introduction to Medieval English Studies Part I (Winter) / II (Summer) | Tutorial |
Show 3 Certifications in Teaching
- Professional Teaching Skills in Academia II, Heinrich-Heine-Universität (10/2019)
- Joint Certificate for Tutors, Heinrich-Heine-Universität (07/2016)
- Teaching German as a Foreign Language, Heinrich-Heine-Universität (04/2016)